As many of you know, plenty of amazing things happened over the course of the past week. I wanted to make a topic about a few of these individually but I feel I must address the ones I simply can' t dedicate an entire blog post to as of yet. Eventually once my feelings fully form about certain things, a new post will appear, but until then I decided to just touch briefly on a few things that really caught my attention. Thus, I present the first edition of my Team Kaiju Grab Bag!
Comic-Con Trailers:
Just.....WOW!!! A large handful of great trailers came out of Comic-Con this year. As you can figure, I am the most excited for the Kong: Skull Island trailer, but there was just so much! I love the Kong Trailer for its amazing buildup. I love the comedy in the Lego Batman Trailer. I love the acting and character set-up for the Justice League Trailer. For the first time in my life I am actually hyped to see a full length Wonder Woman movie! Everyone has seen these trailers and Everyone should watch them again. I can't say much about the trailers beyond this because so much has already been said, and I can't quite bring myself to really analyze some of these trailers until the hype dies down. (give me a few more days) For sure I am re-watching the Dr. Strange trailer one more time. I can't wait to get high from watching that movie in 3D!
Pokemon Go

Full disclosure; I love Pokemon Go. Though exhausting I have had so much fun walking around town with my friends and loved ones to catch and evolve Pokemon. I do believe that the game is good and doesn't deserve a lot of the bad press it's getting. Most stories of people being getting hurt are because people are being generally stupid doing things like: playing while driving, walking into live traffic, stopping their car in live traffic, etc. This is of no fault of the game. This is the fault of the players. On the other hand Niantic is being kind of weird and dumb with updates as well. The location tracker is still not working, and there are still occasional crashes. Even with this, I can't understand why people are demanding refunds for their free game. The only option to pay money is if you buy coins. The only people who deserve a refund are those who bought coins and didn't get them. Everyone is just being ridiculous and greedy.
Shin Gojira

I'll make this brief. Who cares if Godzilla's breath is purple? Godzilla's breath has been white, blue, orange, red, yellow and green at some time or another. Yes, blue is the more traditional and preferred color. No, purple breath will not ruin Godzilla. If it bugs you that much when you buy the DVD just mess with the colors until its not purple anymore. There are for more offensive and stupid things to focus your rage towards.
Those topics I may go into detail in the future but for now that is what is on my mind. Expect more of these grab bags in the future in times when I either have too much stuff to write about, or moments where I feel I need to rant about silly things. That reminds me....I haven't done a toku review in a while.........Why do I hear drumming?
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