Over the years there have been a lot of themes and powers used for Tokusatsu. A point has been reached where one can argue that every possible power has been, at least slightly, explored. That being said, there are still some themes that I would like to see more of or see again. Specifically in the team dynamic of Super Sentai or the solo hero dynamic of Kamen Rider. These are just ones that I would like to see, however.
Super Sentai

Knights - I know this seems pretty counterintuitive to the last suggestion but while dragons seem to fit with some of the history of Super Sentai, knights just fit the theme of the whole show. Knights are protectors that go off of a code of honor. Imagine a team of Super Sentai with a more armored look that act as Modern day knights. The beauty of this is you can base it in one location. Put something important there and make the town their "castle". True the story may not be as grand a scope as some previous iterations of Sentai, but a more focused and simple story could be a breath of fresh air after KyuuRanger. I mean, I'm loving KyuuRanger so far but we may need a breather after so much happening in this series lol.
Monster Hunters/Paranormal Investigators - There are a lot of ways in which this can go but my first thought is make a Sentai that harkens to things like the stories of Van Helsing and Dracula and movies like Monster Squad. The cool trick this idea can provide is you don't have to reveal any major villain in the beginning. Monsters are appearing and supernatural phenomena are more frequent and a team is out investigating all of this. This is probably the least likely to happen as many of the tropes fall within the realms of western mythology, which I'm not sure Sentai Writers would tackle.
Kamen Rider

Earth and Nature - It truly has been a very long time since we had a Kamen Rider harness the powers of the earth. Some consider Gaim in this category but I wouldn't since the lockseeds were all man-made and were not initially from Earth. Imagine a Rider who has powers of stone, earth, plant life and other forms of primordial powers. Imagine one form of the Rider that resembles an erupting volcano, one that looks covered in vines and moss. I, personally, see a lot of possibilities with this idea.
I'm sure in time I can think of more and others will as well, but these are just ones that I like thinking about. If I were thinking practically I would think the next Sentai would perhaps be time related, to bridge the gap between Kyuuranger and the modern timeline. Kamen Rider may take a mystical approach to keep up a "what is real and what isn't" vibe that Ex-Aid sometimes throws our way. I can't predict what lies ahead on this road laden with heroes, but I can't wait to see it.
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