Thursday, April 19, 2018

CG in Giant Monster Movies

     This is a question that has been plaguing monster fans as long as I can remember. Fans of Godzilla and other giant monster movies tend to be quite fond of practical effects and the man in the suit. There is nothing wrong with this notion as the practical effects wizards work extra hard and produce things of some great quality. It has almost become a tradition. As the industry has grown over the years it has become more evident that practical effects can only go so far. I don't know if I have the definitive answer to this tough question, but I believe I have an answer.
     The main argument against using CG is pretty straight forward. CG animation doesn't have the same feeling of authenticity as a man in a suit or some other practical effect. It really is hard to explain but giant monsters just look that much more authentic when you know something is actually there. Godzilla versus Biollante is a great example of a Godzilla movie that does this right. Even some American movies seem to understand this. Jurassic Park is known for some fantastic practical effects. When the creature is able to interact with the people and the world around them without any extra enhancement, any feeling is just more real.
     The main argument against it though, is also understandable. The more detailed and realistic the practical effect is the more expensive and time consuming it is to create. Greats like Ray Harryhausen were known to take hours on single scenes of Stop motion. Even more recent effects wizards like Stan Winston, took huge amounts of time to make his props and costumes, sometimes days. Films only get so much time and resources so sacrifices do have to be made.
     To put it briefly, this argument is a fight on where the quality of a film should be. Should time and effort always be put into practical effects since you don't always need A-list actors? Or should all aspects of a film be given equal love, even if it means sometimes not the best effects make it. There really is not solid answer to this question as it depends on the film, but that has not stopped anybody from voicing their opinion on the matter.
     Some opinions were swayed and the conversation once again came up when Shin Gojira entered the spotlight. This was the first Japanese Godzilla movie where CG was used almost exclusively for the creature effects. Many fans were apprehensive and didn't really know what to think about the news when it surfaced. Despite what many fans thought, the film was very well put together with great effects. Unfortunately, this only served to further confuse and divide people in regards to this subject. A few months after the movie was fully released, this conversation seemed to die down. I think part of this has to do with an answer that popped up.
     It is important for fans to keep an open mind. After the shown success and care of the effects in Shin Gojira, it has become clear that just as much care and love can be put into CG effects as practical effects and monster suits. This, of course, also came with the draw of needing a lot of time, money and manpower to make happen. The idea was cemented that CG can be used and look good if it is what the particular movie calls for.
     I believe this to be the right answer. CG is not "evil" or ruining monster movies. If done right, CG can look fantastic. People tend to forget that Practical effects fall into that same ilk. Just as they can look great, poor practical effects can be a terrible drain and distraction on the overall quality of a film. The short answer is CG is fine, but a personal preference is always okay. The bigger question is, is CG the right thing for Godzilla going forward?
     I will always have a love for practical effects. Godzilla is a very big reason for that. In this situation I have to recall an answer given to fans at a panel by Keiichi Sakurai. He told fans that, like us, he prefers the old ways of doing things and that will never change. What has changed is the time. Computer effects can portray what practical effects never could. It is not a pleasant step but going into the world of CG is necessary for Godzilla to move forward. It is up to fans and more-so the creators to keep putting as much love and care into these works going forward.
     This really is a hard pill to swallow but going forward, it is one that has to be accepted. Not everybody has to like CG. I would wager that many fans still don't. We have to keep in mind that CG effects can be good and continue to judge things fairly. Godzilla and other monsters will likely be all CG in future and that is fine. Would it be awesome for a new Godzilla movie with all practical effects? Absolutely! Is it likely to happen? Unfortunately, not. That doesn't mean the quality of the movies are bad by default. Godzilla will likely be drifting further away from a man in a suit, and that is completely okay.

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