Q: Why do the shows stick with live action effects?
A: The shows use a mix but generally stick with traditional suits for a majority. This live-action spell effects style is known as tokusatsu and it is what made Super Sentai/Power Rangers famous. In many ways this style still works for what it needs, and as the saying goes; "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Q: Isn't Super Sentai/Power Rangers meant to be watched by little kids?
A: the short answer is yes, but there are important things to note. In Japan, Children and Teens are introduced to more mature content earlier in life compared to most other countries. While Super Sentai is very much a Japanese Kids show, there are often themes regarding death, loss, personal responsibility and a related themes. The show can also be more fast and loose with profanity making it more akin to a show for American Teens and young adults oddly enough. As for power Rangers, that is meant for American kids without a doubt. The show has, however, become aware of the age of it's audience and some later seasons have shown signs of maturity such as RPM to name one example.

Q: Can't Super Sentai/Power Rangers be way too silly at times?
A: unfortunately yes, as much as I like defending how shockingly mature either show can be, there are many moments where how bizarre or silly something is only serves to be distracting. While I do understand, this is to cater to the younger demographic, I sometimes wish the shows would take themselves an iota more seriously.
Q: Does there have to be a movie to go with EVERY series of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider?
A: Yes.....yes there does. To the person who asked that; you know who you are and you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking of denying these series awesome adventures and great world building......not to mention the profits from airing those movies in theaters and doing road shows are a good chunk of why those shows are still even airing.
Q: Why is the red one always considered the leader?
A: Tradition. Red is a very prominent color in Japan just as Blue is a prominent color here in America. It is interesting to note, though, that despite red often being identified as the leader, it isn't uncommon for other rangers to take on the actual leadership role. MegaBlack in MegaRanger is a great example of a team leader who isn't the red ranger.
Q: Isn't Power Rangers just a rip-off of Super Sentai? They just recycle scenes after all.
A: Scenes are recycled because it is an adaptation of foreign media. A LOT of time, money and frustration needs to be put into getting props and costumes over seas and fitted to the American actors, who often don't fit into those suits, so new ones need to be tailored which costs even more money. Especially early on, there was not enough resources available for such things so they had to be careful with what they had and recycle a lot of footage. Because the creators took their time to make it look decent (or at least as decent as an early 90's show can look), and from their sales and profits went up and they could afford more original footage and content. Power Rangers is an adaption. It is not a ripoff because they didn't have enough resources or backing to make their own suits and effects during the early years of power rangers. Besides they had the permission and blessing of the creators of Super Sentai so meh.
Q: Are any plot lines or characters changed as it is translated into an American show?
A: This, unfortunately, depends on who is writing and directing the series. Each season of Power Rangers is different. Some seasons, Like MMPR and RPM focus on original material whereas Wild Force and Time Force borrow many plot lines and ideas to the point that they can be considered a plagiarism if not for the support from Bandai and Toei when writing and pitching each season. Some seasons choose to copy main ideas but build upon them differently. Power Rangers in Space did this really well.
Q: Which is better, Super Sentai or Power Rangers
A: This question can only be answered out of preference. I personally have liked more Sentai Series than Power Ranger series so I am inclined to say Sentai is better, but I have not seen EVERY season of either and can't make a proper judgement. It all comes down to preference
Q: Are there any Power Rangers Series you prefer over their original Sentai?
A: Wild Force is about as good and possibly better than GaoRanger. RPM has generally better writing and less plot convenience than Go-Onger....Fight me.
A: I Think Super Sentai has a few more years in her, Especially with how good KyuuRanger is. Unfortunately Power Rangers may or may not be on their last hurrah. The hype around the new movie and Ninja Steele will determine if there is truth to this. If Power Rangers ends soon, the creators have nobody to blame but themselves. Too many weird decisions for the show as of late.
Q: What theme would you want to see in a future season of Super Sentai/Power Rangers
A: I want a team to harness the power of mythic beasts again! Dragons, Gryphons, etc. I could live with a team, whose powers are based entirely on dragons! Better yet....KAIJU RANGERS!!!
Q: Is the upcoming reboot good or bad for Super Sentai/Power Rangers?
A: Time will tell, but I would say it is more of a good thing for both series. This movie will probably have a reference or two but seems to want to establish itself as it's own thing that isn't tied to Super Sentai or related shows. Last I checked many people see Power Rangers as a ripoff so why wouldn't they want the show to separate itself from Super Sentai?
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